We bought our tickets to Ecuador! Woohoo! I will be enjoying Ecuador, the equator, and the Galapagos islands from July 2 - July 22 this summer. How exciting! I have already started dog-earing our Ecuador travel books and J is making an itenerary. My sister has never traveled with us so she is in for a shock...
Here is an update on the rest of my list:
- Throw a wine and cheese party: nope
- Run a mile without stopping: huh uh
- Learn to drive a stick shift: eh
- Correspond with friends better: um, I sent two cards but didn't hear back from them
- Travel to Ecuador: see above!
- Volunteer 260 hours: zip
- Read 26 books: 1 down, a whole lot to go
- Organize our picture books: I bought the albums...does that count?
- Drink only 26 sodas: only 2 in the last 5 weeks! unbelievable
- Go snow skiing: no
- Rent a pontoon boat and go swimming: that sounds like a July activity :)
- Park a car in the garage permanently: cancelled our garage sale twice
- Go to Harry Potter World: oops...I should have checked this one out before adding it to the list. Aparently HPW opens on June 18, the last day I will be in Orlando. So I either have to attend the grand opening [shoot me now PLEASE] or fly there later in the year [yikes!]. Research, Liz, research.
- Do 26 nice things for Justin: Maybe 1? 1/2? Se post #5 for clarification
- See the inside of a semi-truck: still waiting on Mom to go with me to the truck stop
- Exercise at leasts 30 minutes 3 days a week: FAIL
- Play the lottery each week: um...oops, I forgot about this one
- Save $2600 above our normal savings: I have $14 left of my birthday money, but I have my eyes on a new pair flip flops
- Try 26 new foods: 1 down! I tried a fresh pear. It was gross.
- Floss 26 days out of every month: SUCCESS! and now I'm and addict
- Learn calligraphy: I'll take a class in the fall
- Dig for diamonds: this will have to be a fall or winter activity. It's May and we are already having 90 degree days. Dig in the sun? No thanks
- Learn to keep score at a baseball game: hasn't happened
- Give blood every 8 weeks: third time's a charm! I gave blood and didn't pass out! whoohoo
- Organize a will: too morbid to think about now
- Find 26 geocaches: zilch
So, as you can tell I'm doing AWESOME on my list [read sarcasm]. Hopefully I will find some motivation this summer to knock some things off. Oh wait, I'm not going to be home this summer. Crap...
You can check the new foods off your list this summer... nothing like strange jungle fruits and lots of pig, cow, and chicken parts!